mardi 2 mars 2010

How to Improve Your Speed For Basketball With a Single Exercise

Whether you are a basketball player looking to improve your sprinting speed or vertical jump you have got to concentrate on training your body for explosiveness and power. This is why I am here to introduce to you the ancient style of kettlebell training. By now you may have heard of this intense strength and conditioning device and have wondered just what it is capable of. Well, I am here to tell you!

Dual Kettlebell Swings (Great Exercise For Developing Your Sprinting Muscles)

If you are serious about developing your muscles in order to improve your sprinting speed and quickness for the game of basketball then you have got to implement the use of kettlebell training into your workouts. To be more specific, you need to learn how to execute dual kettlebell swings in order to really give yourself an edge in speed performance. You see the truth is that there are many ways to improve your speed, but from the strength training aspect of your workouts you have got to engage in specific lifts that help you to generate power from the movements involved in the tasks that you are trying to improve on. For instance, if you are looking at improving your speed and athleticism then you have got to work on developing your core power by integrating the muscles of your posterior chain which consists of your hips, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Dual kettlebell swings involve a lot more muscle groups than the one's I just mentioned, but it stresses the movements of those particular muscles more profoundly.

To execute this dynamic lift you will need the availability of a pair of kettlebells of equal weight and moderate intensity. Place the bells between your feet with your stance slightly wider than shoulder width distance apart. From here simply squat to pick up the bells and allow them to both hang at your groin. Next, you must engage your hips and knees in a constant motion of flexion and extension in a movement that is known as the hip snap. This particular action allows you to generate the power and momentum you need in order to swing the bells from between your legs up to chest level in smooth powerful motion. As you swing the bells make sure to keep your shoulders retracted and your abs tight. You must forcefully breathe with every rep to drive the bells up through the arc with solid power. This lift will undoubtedly improve both your strength and speed performance for the game of basketball. It will also do wonders for you vertical leap as well!

If you are looking to include dual kettlebell swings into your basketball speed training workouts then you have got to make sure you are willing to learn the proper technique that is involved. If you need additional help on this then feel free to access the rest of my articles on this subject for free. Remember that most any player can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend!

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